The Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or GOYA, is the ministry for teenagers in our community from grades six through twelve. The mission and goal of GOYA is to lead our young people in the path of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ experiencing the Orthodox Faith.
In developing a personal relationship with God, becoming active sacramental members of the Church, our young people will grow through God’s grace in the areas of worship, fellowship, witness and service. The various activities throughout the year reinforce this mission and goal giving youth the tools necessary to help them on their journey toward salvation.
Such activities for GOYA include: Basketball League, Paraklesis Services with once a month group dinner, food, clothing, and toy drives throughout the year, helping the homeless, dances, Orthodox Life, social outings, family nights, and much more!

Telemachos Gregoriadis, President
Anna Mamouzellos, Vice President
Eleftheri Mamouzellos, Recording Secretary
Fotini Boustris, Corresponding Secretary
Demi Kroumpouzos, Treasurer
Board Members:
Vassiliki Boutalis
Chrysanthi Boutalis
Rachel Chornovas
Christiana Christopoulos
Julia Courtney
Iliana Gregoriadis
William Hall
Achilles Hatzopoulos
Christina Hatzopoulos
Eleni Kroumpouzos
Ania Manning
Niko Papatonakis
Nicoleta Petroulas
Andreas Thouas
Manolis Tsichlis
Anastasia Virvillis
Gia Zacharakis
Victoria Zahopoulos
Theodora Zygouras
Last Saturday, we had a blast at GOYA's field trip to Daly Ice Rink. We skated, laughed, and made some unforgettable memories. Then we headed to Gyro City to enjoy some delicious Greek food and fellowship. It was a perfect day with amazing people.
During Winter Break GOYAns gathered together for a movie and lunch! Fun was had by all!
The GOYAns prepared over 300 Valentine Cake Pops for their fundraiser! It was a fund day of fellowship! They were sold out!
GOYAns came to serve in the altar and in the Narthex as greeters, passing the trays, helping with the candles, and more! Well done good and faithful servants!
GOYAns enjoyed great fellowship at Shea Memorial Rink in Quincy. Laughs were had by all!
GOYAns had a great evening at their movie night with potluck snacks and drinks where they watched Jumanji “Welcome to the Jungle”!
GOYAns from the Metropolis of Boston came to the Winter Ball hosted by our GOYAns! It was a wonderful night of fellowship! In addition, we had GOYAns from Saint Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church in Charlotte, North Carolina who joined us!
GOYAns came to serve in the altar and in the Narthex as greeters, passing the trays, helping with the candles, and more! Well done good and faithful servants!
GOYAns discussed their upcoming events for the winter season and Father Dionysios gave a Christmas reflection.
Even after a busy weekend, GOYAns came to serve in the altar and in the Narthex as greeters, passing the trays, helping with the candles, and more! Well done good and faithful servants!
Our beloved Saint Catherine's Community hosted by our GOYA Youth Group opened the doors to offer to the extended community of Braintree and its surrounding areas a FREE Thanksgiving Meal on November 23rd. It was a wonderfully warm event! Click on the link for more pictures. God bless one and all!
Along with the Ladies Philoptochos of Saint Catherine’s, our GOYAns organized a coat drive for local organizations in need. 82 coats were collected and donated. All the coats were organized and packaged for the specific persons in need.
The GOYAn Bake Sale was a huge success! Monies raised will be used for future events and helping those in need.
GOYAns came together to bake homemade treats for a bake sale to raise funds. Part of the funds went to the purchase of turkeys for those in need. It was a great time for all!
GOYAns discussed the upcoming Philanthropic endeavors includeing the Crispin Center Coat Drive, Feeding the Needy of Braintree Luncheon, and Bake Sale Fundraiser.
"Prayer for GOYA Leaders" occurred at the end of the Divine Liturgy today! As Father Dionysios said, may God bless the FUTURE and the PRESENT of the Church.
Prayer for G.O.Y.A. Leaders
"O Lord and God, you have taught us that, “whoever of you desires to be first shall be a slave of all.” Lord, help us to lead the ministry by serving our fellow GOYA Ministry participants, our advisors, and our parish as a whole. Lord, enlighten our minds and strengthen our bodies, that we may direct this ministry according to Your will. Guide us to bring about works of goodness to Your service and glory. We thank You, Lord for the many blessings and mercies You continually bestow on us. In everything we do, in word or deed, may we always do so in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through His Holy Spirit. Amen."
Great fellowship was had by all the GOYans, families, and advisors! We look forward to next year!
GOYAns met to discuss the year events and to elect executive board members.
Our GOYA Kick-Off Event was filled with great food, fellowship, and fun! This year our GOYA is over 50 youth strong (not all pictured)!
Congratulations to Anastasia Zygouras for being the recipient of the Saint Catherine Scholarship for High School Seniors. She was presented with $1,000 at the conclusion of services today by the Scholarship Committee. She will be attending Simmons University to study nursing. May God bless her in her future endeavors.
Young and old alike had a great time rock climbing, riding go-carts, playing lazertag, putt-putt, enjoying lunch, and more!
GOYAns showed their appreciation for the women of our parish by gifting them with beautiful carnations on Mother’s Day!
Telemachos Gregoriadis represented Saint Catherine’s at the Boston Metropolis Oratorical Festival! He spoke on how Orthodox Christians discern whether today’s politicians are genuine in their piety with their religious concepts and constituencies or are they using it to manipulate the electorate. It was held at St. Athanasius in Arlington, MA.
GOYAns prepared a full meal for the residents of DOVE in Quincy, MA. They did an amazing job making Greek lemon chicken with potatoes, salad, and brownees! They also prepared a craft for the children of the residence. Jessica Cohen, director of residential services, commented that it was a wonderful Mother’s Day present for the residents!
The GOYAns learned about the power of the Cross of Christ. Father Dionysios and Zessis Lappas led the sessions. The day was filled with learning, services and service work to the church.
GOYA Trifecta Sunday had the youth active in ministry, worship, fellowship and witness. They served in all the various areas of the church including the altar, narthex, and passing of the trays. In addition, we held the Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival in which Telly delivered a wonderful speech. Lastly, a meeting was convened that discussed the remainder of the year. Father Dionysios gave a Lenten Reflection for all the youth!
"This is the faith of the Apostles, this is the faith of the Fathers, this is the faith of the Orthodox, this is the faith which has supported the whole world."
During GOYA Sunday, our HS GOYAns had a very engaging Sunday School class which lasted 1 1/2 hours discussing the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Great Lent, and various questions relative to living Orthodoxy today.