Prayer for GOYA Leaders

Prayer for GOYA Leaders

"Prayer for GOYA Leaders" occurred at the end of the Divine Liturgy today! As Father Dionysios said, may God bless the FUTURE and the PRESENT of the Church.

Prayer for G.O.Y.A. Leaders

"O Lord and God, you have taught us that, “whoever of you desires to be first shall be a slave of all.” Lord, help us to lead the ministry by serving our fellow GOYA Ministry participants, our advisors, and our parish as a whole. Lord, enlighten our minds and strengthen our bodies, that we may direct this ministry according to Your will. Guide us to bring about works of goodness to Your service and glory. We thank You, Lord for the many blessings and mercies You continually bestow on us. In everything we do, in word or deed, may we always do so in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through His Holy Spirit. Amen."

GOYA Meeting

GOYA Meeting

The GOYA board was officially introduced and the President and Vice-President led the agenda. The GOYAns discussed upcoming events, philanthropic service projects currently ongoing, GOYA Sunday, the Christmas dance and more! In addition, Father Dionysios led a discussion on managing stress from an Orthodox Christian perspective. There was great fellowship with the 30 GOYAns who were present! Many thanks to our GOYA advisors who make these events possible for our youth!

GOYA Meeting

GOYA Meeting

GOYAns had great fellowship in their first meeting of the year where they had a team-building activity, discussed upcoming events, philanthropic endeavors, GOYA Sunday and more! Father Dionysios held the first in a series of discussions on relevant topics for the youth from an Orthodox perspective beginning with peer pressure. A great time was had by all!