Classroom Wish Lists

PTA kept a list of what the teachers needed for their class rooms last year. Please help stock our children’s rooms with some of these classroom needs.

Classroom Sanitary Needs:

Hand sanitizer
Baby Wipes
Clorox Wipes/Disinfecting Wipes
Paper Towels
First Aid Supplies ? Band?Aids, alcohol wipes

Classroom needs:

Expo Markers
Expo Erasers
Scotch Tape
Construction Paper
Printer Paper

Dear Greek School Parents:

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!

We are excited to welcome you and our students next week. Please see below for important information. This year your Greek School PTA will be sending by-weekly emails on Mondays and reminders before events to keep you informed. Please read these emails carefully to find out all the information that you need to know about St. Catherine’s Greek School and PTA Events.


St. Catherine's PTA Sign-up Form

St. Catherine's PTA Handbook


We look forward to a wonderful year with you and your children.