
Come and join us

Worship - Ministry - Witness - Fellowship


Sunday Service

Orthros 8:30 am | Divine Liturgy 9:30 am

Presiding Priest: Fr. Theodore Toppses

Follow Us on Our Social Media

Thank you for visiting our site!  Saint Catherine's Greek Orthodox Church is part of the Metropolis of Boston in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. We hope to keep the faithful throughout the Boston South Shore and beyond informed of all our parish programs. Here you will find information about the Orthodox Faith as well as links to various faith based websites and radio programs.  You will be updated with all the news concerning our parish, our Metropolis and our Archdiocese.  By accessing our site, you can explore our monthly newsletter and church calendar that will keep you appraised of the liturgical life and all events of our parish.  In addition to all these things, our site features a digital photo gallery with a vast collection of photographs from our parish events, liturgical celebrations, youth ministry gatherings and much more!  Once again, we are thankful to you for taking the time to browse our site!


(781) 843-0047


119 Common Street
Braintree, MA 02184

Office Hours

Tuesday - Friday 9:00am-2:30pm




Apolytikion of Saint Catherine performed by Saint Catherine's Youth Choir under the direction of Nektaria Sofou-Boustris.

About our Faith

Contact the Priest

Please contact Father Theorore Toppses for any questions you may have about the Orthodox Faith,  sacraments, and visiting the sick.

The Holy Eucharist can be given by the Priest during house, nursing home, hospital visits for those that cannot attend Divine Liturgy Services. In addition, the Holy Unction can be done in a home upon request when someone is sick.

Catechism classes for coming to the Faith and Ecclesiastical Divorce proceedings are also available.  For all services offered, please contact the church for more information.

youth ministries

Welcome to Saint Catherine Braintree’s Youth Ministry!

Saint Catherine’s is committed to the youth and the families of our community as they are an important and integral part of our parish. Our Youth Ministry Program seeks to foster worship, fellowship, witness and service facilitating growth in the Faith.

Under the spiritual direction of the priest, with assistance from talented, dedicated volunteers and teachers, the youth of Saint Catherine’s are given many opportunities that meet both their spiritual and social needs through the Church. Through various activities the youth can explore, think, and express their faith in a loving and safe environment.

We offer opportunities to empower young people to live as disciples of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in the world today. We want them to participate in the life, mission, and work of the Church, and want to foster the personal and spiritual growth of all the youth.

We invite you to scroll down and read through our numerous youth groups discovering all the ways that each and every young person and families can be involved!


Sunday School

The philosophy of our Sunday School Program is based on a Christo-centric approach which prepares the students with principles of the Orthodox Faith encouraging them to grow in God’s Service. Our program builds a solid foundation for the children of our community through exemplary lessons in the Teaching and Worship Practices of the Greek Orthodox Christian Faith.

Greek School

Saint Catherine’s Greek School is a ministry of our church. Its goal is the teaching of the modern Greek language, Greek history and culture, as well as the Greek Orthodox faith.


The Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or GOYA, is the ministry for teenagers in our community from grades six through twelve. The mission and goal of GOYA is to lead our young people in the path of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ experiencing the Orthodox Faith.

In developing a personal relationship with God, becoming active sacramental members of the Church, our young people will grow through God’s grace in the areas of worship, fellowship, witness and service. The various activities throughout the year reinforce this mission and goal giving youth the tools necessary to help them on their journey toward salvation.



HOPE (Holy Orthodox Primary Education) and JOY (Junior Orthodox Youth) ministers to children in our community from Kindergarten through 5th grade. The mission and goal is to lead children together in becoming active sacramental members of the living Church and developing a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Throughout all the activities, the youth will be given the opportunity to express their faith and enjoy fellowship with other young people in their age group. By laying the foundation at these ages, they will have the foundation to guide them through their teen years.


Vacation Church School

Our Orthodox Vacation Church School embraces the teachings and traditions of Orthodox Christianity: Scripture, saints, feasts, worship, music, and prayers. It focuses primarily on stories from the Bible and incorporates other dimensions of the Orthodox Church. The VCS program addresses various learning styles and provides an eclectic set of experiences – engaging all the senses (sight, touch, sound, taste and smell) – for the participants.

Family Nights

Parish Family Nights give families the opportunity to learn more about the Orthodox Church, while spending quality time with one another and other members of the parish. The hope of Family Nights is that what has been learned is taken and implemented in the life of the home. This is to reinforce “Family as Church,” encouraging practice of the Faith.

Each Family Night includes a family activity, Compline Service, dinner and various breakout sessions focused on a theme. Through worship, service, fellowship, and witness growth in the Faith by God’s grace happens together one day at a time!

Mommy & Me

Mommy & Me is the ministry to newly baptized infants, toddlers and their parents (or grandparents). This group promotes bonding between parent and child and between the child and the Faith. Active parental involvement is mandatory. Typical Mommy & Me gatherings include playtime, story time, prayer and special actives such as finger plays, songs and movement.


Saint Catherine’s Youth Choir encourages children to chant hymns and become active participants during the Divine Liturgy and other church services. The Children’s Choir chants responses and hymns of the Divine Liturgy every other week. The choir also leads the faithful in the singing of the carols during the Annual Christmas Pageant providing inspiration for all who attend.


Altar Boys

The role of the Altar Boy remains a genuine and vital one in the Eucharistic Assembly of the faithful, as well as in other services. He stands ready to serve God in this capacity. It is a stewardship of young men; a service that they offer to God as their regular Sunday offering of talent and ability.

In serving our Lord, Altar Boys are able to build off the true form of teamwork and servitude. Please encourage your son, grandson, father or grandfather to help serve Christ through this wonderful opportunity.


Greek Dance Group

The Dance Group meets weekly and shares our love of traditional Greek Dance from multiple regions of Greece. The group showcases dances by performing during the Greek Festival and various other events and locales.

aDULT ministries

Welcome to Saint Catherine Braintree’s Adult Ministry!

Saint Catherine’s is committed to the faithful of our community as each one of us is an important and integral part of our parish. Our Adult Ministry Program seeks to foster worship, fellowship, witness and service facilitating growth in the Faith.

Under the spiritual direction of the priest, with assistance from talented, dedicated volunteers, community members, and leaders, there are many opportunities at Saint Catherine’s to meet both spiritual and social needs through the Church. Through these various ministries, the faithful can learn, explore, think, and express their faith..

These opportunities empower each person to live as disciples of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in the world today. They become participants in the life, mission, and work of the Church, and foster both personal and spiritual growth.

We invite you to click and read through our numerous groups discovering all the ways that each person can be involved!

Contact Us

Fr. Theodore Toppses

email: frtedt@gmail.com

Office: 781-843-0047

General Information: office@stcatherinebraintree.org


Saint Catherine's Greek Orthodox Church
119 Common Street                                   Braintree, MA 02184
United States

Office: 781-843-0047
General Information: office@stcatherinebraintree.org